Barnabás Bácsi is an intermedia artist.


Freeze Fall Dance

Through the use of corporate aesthetics and a steel installation frame resembling an office flipchart, Freeze Fall Dance addresses contemporary precarious work conditions, those not unfamiliar to young graduate artists, who might find themselves being NEET (not in education, employment or training) or working unpaid intern positions or bullshit jobs as members of the PMC (professional managerial class), right upon finishing institutional education.

The usage of bucolical symbolism, steel butterflies and the classical working tool of a scythe aim to draw a parallel between manual labour and the self-exploitative freelancer condition, and present an ever-uncertain way out, the act of quiet quitting as a means of putting your tools down. The whiteboard reads “intern inside” in blue flipchart marker ink, an act of self-identification masked as a harmless office joke. The visual loop running on the computer screen is an infinite random algorithm, endlessly switching between empty software UI skeletons to the rhythm of a Morse code message – if you’re persistent, a project manager watching your screen through remote monitoring tools might take the clue.

Photos by Dávid Biró.

exhibited at

  • 2023, I'M AFRAID I CAN DO THAT, group exhibition, Torula, Győr (HU)